viernes, 24 de julio de 2020

Reflections on this curious year

Hello everyone, in this post I will write about my reflections on this year, 2020, which is the most special year of my life. In this year, most of the things that happened were negative or bad, like the pandemic, but luckily, in my personal circle no negative events happened. The most curious thing is that today the government declares the quarantine of the commune in which I live, just when the other cities are leaving the quarantines xd.

In relation to my semester, I am happy because I have done well in almost all courses despite current conditions, and I finished several series and movies that I had not seen complete. At the moment, I have not obtained any achievement, because, generally I only enter the classes and I do not do many other things hahaxd

I am very satisfied with the experiences that blogging gave me during this semester, because I was able to remember things that I didn't think about lately, think about myself and the things I enjoy, and learn a little more English, and read the blogs of my colleagues too. It's rewarding, because you know more about them, and I really like learning about other people's hobbies.

viernes, 3 de julio de 2020

Roy Mustang, the best character in FMAB

Hello everyone, today I will write about one of my favorite anime series, and it is Full Metal Alchemist, my favorite character in this anime and the reasons I have to think that it is the best anime character xd. Basically, this anime tells the story of 2 brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric who break the first rule of alchemy: "To get something, you must give something of equal value in return." since they try to revive their mother, but since they did not give something of equal value to recover a life, in the attempt Alphonse loses his body, and Ed loses his leg. To retrieve his brother, Ed binds Al's soul to an armor, sacrifiyng his right arm instead.On the travel to study how to get their bodies back, they join the army as alchemists, and they meet Roy Mustang, and this is the character that inspires this blog.

Roy Mustang | Fullmetal Alchemist Wiki | Fandom
Roy Mustang is known as The Fire Alchemist, because he has the ability to burn things, using his gloves, made from ignition cloths that have transmutation circles, to generate sparks. For me, this character is so important in history and in anime in general, because he teaches values ​​such as friendship, since throughout the series they show us a very close bond of friendship between him and Maes Hughes, who unfortunately dies at the beginning of the series, and later it is understood that it was Hughes who motivated Roy to become the maximum authority of the army to heal him from the inside, because the main antagonists in the anime are the high command of the army.

Also, this character teaches us the value of being a good leader, because he never forgets his subordinates when he separates from them.

Finally, he is forced to do a human transmutation (which the Elric brothers do at first) and the punishment he receives is to lose his sight, so that, in this way, he could not see his nation recovered.
Well, I think I write a lot xd, so if you have not seen this serie, watch it and you will understand the epic of Roy Mustang c:!

viernes, 26 de junio de 2020

my favorite subject in this semester

Hello everyone, now is turn to write about the subject that I most like in this special semester and this subject is "stadistics and data analysis", in this course, the contents that I must learn  are mainly, frequency tables, graphical interpretation, combinatorics, probabilities, types of variables and control of statistical applications such as Excel and Infostat. And all these contents are necessary to be able to order, understand and analyze situations represented in a group of numbers. It can be associated with my future work field, by making counts of medications sold per month, variations in the medication of a pill, etc.
The classes are divided into 2 main sections, the first is associated with the learning content, wich are videos made by the teacher that each student must watch to capture the content. The second section is the zoom meetings in which the teacher, the assistans and the students participate to carry out an exercise guide on the contents of the past week. In general, the guides have between 10 and 20 little exercises divided into 2 or 3 items, and each student must upload this guide done in the homework section, to it evaluated later.
I like this course not only for the contents that are very interesting, but it has been very nice to take this subject this semester thanks to the good disposition of the teacher and the assistants. They have adapted this course to current conditions so that we can do it easily, always thinking about our mental health. I think this is the course that has been most concerned about the students I am currently taking.
Thanks teacher Mariana! c:

viernes, 19 de junio de 2020

The website that I enjoy visiting xd

Hello everyone, today I will write about a website I visite frecuently now when I am studying, and now even more with the online semester, when the classes are not specially good xd, and I need to learn any specific content. when book or guides can not solve my questions, I visite the youtube channel, "Breaking Vlad". This is a little channel about chemistry of 130000 suscriptors , which has many videos of each subject related to this science.
This channel has sections called playlists, which cover chemistry topics, such as basic chemistry, nomenclature, organic chemistry, etc. and some chemical experiments. 
I currently visit this website frequently, because it is good to complement seen in online classes, and I like this channel because the videos are very explanatory and shorts, and you do not lose time looking at innecessary things. 
I think I have seen more than half of all the videos on this channel because I think it is very good for someone studying a career related to chemistry. If you complicate with a topic you can search breaking vlad on youtube and watch it. I hope it is useful for you :)

viernes, 12 de junio de 2020

Narnia xd

Hello everyone, in this ocation I will write about Narnia, but its not the Narnia you think xd. Well, I live in Isla de Maipo, a little commune near to Talagante. It turns out that next to the Island of Maipo, the Maipo river passes, that's why it is called that. on the other side of the river there are some vineyards and fields in general. and in a part of the other side of the river there is a small poplar forest that surely was planted to cut firewood. This forest its knowed like "Narnia". I heard about this place about 3 or 4 years ago and I have gone with friends to see it on several occasions but I have found a forest almost the same but it is not so green, the photos that I saw this place always had very green grass but where we arrived in several times it was like this:

The forest we have always wanted to find is something like this, I am sure it must be two different forests, and that the real Narnia I have not yet found. when it gets colder we will go to another expedition again :D

viernes, 5 de junio de 2020

The photo of a angry cat xd

hello people:) on this occasion I will write about a photo that I like. actually, I am not mucho of taking photos, I feel that is more important save a memory in the mind, because if it really important for you, you will not forget it. but there are moments that need to be photographed, and I am not a person who knows when to photograph something, thats why i dont take many photos. but 
if I had to choose a photo, I would choose this:
This photo was taken by my brother and shows one of our pets, "Rubio" the cat, who has been with us for more time, is approximately 7 or 8 years old and was abandoned by his mother with his brothers when they was born in a cellar. whe had to take car of them like babies, with speciall milk for cats and improvised bottles. But they were very weak and the only one who endured was him:c.
Nobody thought he would be with us for so long time, but when I see him now I know he has plenty of time left, and that makes me happy. This photo was taken in early 2020 and I like it because reminds me that this cat is very strong and because it looks angry xd.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020

My favorite movie?

Hi all, in this new post I will write about cinema, specially my favorite movie. I have been thinking for a long time about this, because I never choose in the movies that I like, but then I came to the conclusion that Life of Pi is my favorite movie. I very like this film because I think that its very complete, funny and enveloping. The theme of the movie is very interesting and the most important point of the movie, is that makes Pi's story seem real, and this make the movie more enveloping.

In general I like all kinds of movies, but I preefer to see movies like a "The revenant", "Django unchained", "The hateful eight", etc. also I like animated movies, the one I have seen the most is "Coraline" xd, it's also very good. The last movie that I saw was "Detective Pikachu" jaja (I don'g go to the cinema for a long time xd) I saw this film a few weeks ago by HBO, and I recomend to see it, because its very funny and Pikachu it's cute xd.

Also I can say that I don't see many movies, so surely I have missed the best movies of recent times, don't judge me :c

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

Music in the pocket. The best invention

If I star to think about my favourite piece of technology, the thing that more repeat in my mind is to be listening music in every place and what made me like music so much was that when I was little my brother and I received a mp3 from our parents. I remember listening music for hours and I was never bored. I searched my things to see if I still had but I could not find it :c. However it was something like this: 

2020 nuevo portátil deportes Mp3 reproductor con pantalla para ...
I remember that it had 3 or 4 buttons and use it was very simple but it dont had capacity for much music and my days I listened the same music all the time in repeate all the days. Actually I dont use this object because i dont have it, but I listen music in my cellphone with the same frecuency but now is more music to listen when i walk, make sports, study or make another things. I would say 2 to 3 hours I listenin music D:
I like the music reproductor because are very portable, and it allows you take your music anywhere. also it helps me focus and relax. A curious fact is that as I write this I listening music xd.
I think my life would be more boring and I would be more stressed and anxious with everything that is happening now.
In conclusion, I think pocket music is my favourite thing and by far. 

jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

Because I choose my career:)

Hello everyone, this is my second post in this blog and in this ocation i will write about why I choose my career and things in relation to this topic.
First, when I was child I wanted to be marine biologist, because I always liked the ocean species, like a dolphins, penguins, sharks, crabs, etc. but the more time passed, I was forgeting this theme. Also, when I was in the high school I saw many crimes series, and for this I wanted to be forense xD, but I dont want study medicine because this is more time, and for be forense you have to study 3 more years, and I don want this. In the last year of high school, in the elective of science I had some classes of medications, and I loved it. Other careers that I had as an option to study were marine biology and biology. but my 3 firsts options were farmaceutic chemist. to the end I was decide this career because I was very interested in the courses and the laboral camp.
Until now, my experiences in the faculty are very well have been very well. I like the courses and everything about the career in general xD.
In relation to my future job I would like very much job in the forensic chemist, I find it very interesting because I keep watching the series from before.

viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

little description about me c:

Hello everybody, in this post I will write my "autobiography". First I was born september 21, 2000 in Santiago, Chile, and since I was born my family and me live in Isla de Maipo, which is a little far from Santiago, because here is so calm and nice. My firsts years of study I was in a catolic school, until seven grade, and I went to a classical school and in this place I finished my elementary and high school. Actually I study chemistry and farmacy in university of Chile and I am very satisfied with my career. 

In relation to my family in our home we are four people and four pets, two dogs and two cats. the dogs are called Sasha and Negro, and the cats are called Lía and Rubio. They are all very cute c:

About my hobbies in general I like to do anything while I listening music. I very like listen music, the most part of the day I am listening every types of music. too I like practice sports with friends, ride in bikes, play football, basketball, etc. and too play videogames with friends of the University and childhood :)

jueves, 23 de abril de 2020

A little text about me

Hi everybody, this is the first time that I do a blog on internet, and I will write a little text about me. In first time, my name is Vicente Medel, I have 19 years old and I am from Chile, in the Región Metropolitana. I study chemistry and farmacy in University of Chile and I am in my second year in this career. I am not very sociable, but I like share with my best friends. I don`t like very much go to party but I like very much ride my bike and play videogames with friends.