viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

little description about me c:

Hello everybody, in this post I will write my "autobiography". First I was born september 21, 2000 in Santiago, Chile, and since I was born my family and me live in Isla de Maipo, which is a little far from Santiago, because here is so calm and nice. My firsts years of study I was in a catolic school, until seven grade, and I went to a classical school and in this place I finished my elementary and high school. Actually I study chemistry and farmacy in university of Chile and I am very satisfied with my career. 

In relation to my family in our home we are four people and four pets, two dogs and two cats. the dogs are called Sasha and Negro, and the cats are called Lía and Rubio. They are all very cute c:

About my hobbies in general I like to do anything while I listening music. I very like listen music, the most part of the day I am listening every types of music. too I like practice sports with friends, ride in bikes, play football, basketball, etc. and too play videogames with friends of the University and childhood :)

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