viernes, 5 de junio de 2020

The photo of a angry cat xd

hello people:) on this occasion I will write about a photo that I like. actually, I am not mucho of taking photos, I feel that is more important save a memory in the mind, because if it really important for you, you will not forget it. but there are moments that need to be photographed, and I am not a person who knows when to photograph something, thats why i dont take many photos. but 
if I had to choose a photo, I would choose this:
This photo was taken by my brother and shows one of our pets, "Rubio" the cat, who has been with us for more time, is approximately 7 or 8 years old and was abandoned by his mother with his brothers when they was born in a cellar. whe had to take car of them like babies, with speciall milk for cats and improvised bottles. But they were very weak and the only one who endured was him:c.
Nobody thought he would be with us for so long time, but when I see him now I know he has plenty of time left, and that makes me happy. This photo was taken in early 2020 and I like it because reminds me that this cat is very strong and because it looks angry xd.

3 comentarios:

  1. sounds sad that someone said that he couldn't live during many years, but i really liked read that this not happened and he is 7 or 8 years and can continue live for more and more years, he is cute:)

  2. i love the cats with an angry face xd one of my cats always have this face but even in that way she is the most cute and spoilt. I am so glad to read that he is fine now, in spit of nobody belived that he can live for so many years

  3. It is a very furry cat, it is good to know that thanks to all the care you gave to him, he can have a happy life. 🐾
