viernes, 24 de julio de 2020

Reflections on this curious year

Hello everyone, in this post I will write about my reflections on this year, 2020, which is the most special year of my life. In this year, most of the things that happened were negative or bad, like the pandemic, but luckily, in my personal circle no negative events happened. The most curious thing is that today the government declares the quarantine of the commune in which I live, just when the other cities are leaving the quarantines xd.

In relation to my semester, I am happy because I have done well in almost all courses despite current conditions, and I finished several series and movies that I had not seen complete. At the moment, I have not obtained any achievement, because, generally I only enter the classes and I do not do many other things hahaxd

I am very satisfied with the experiences that blogging gave me during this semester, because I was able to remember things that I didn't think about lately, think about myself and the things I enjoy, and learn a little more English, and read the blogs of my colleagues too. It's rewarding, because you know more about them, and I really like learning about other people's hobbies.

2 comentarios:

  1. Good luck in your quarantine, and i'm glad you've done well this year vfdada.

  2. Congratulation for finished the series that you had in stand by, i really want do it but i distract so much :(
