viernes, 12 de junio de 2020

Narnia xd

Hello everyone, in this ocation I will write about Narnia, but its not the Narnia you think xd. Well, I live in Isla de Maipo, a little commune near to Talagante. It turns out that next to the Island of Maipo, the Maipo river passes, that's why it is called that. on the other side of the river there are some vineyards and fields in general. and in a part of the other side of the river there is a small poplar forest that surely was planted to cut firewood. This forest its knowed like "Narnia". I heard about this place about 3 or 4 years ago and I have gone with friends to see it on several occasions but I have found a forest almost the same but it is not so green, the photos that I saw this place always had very green grass but where we arrived in several times it was like this:

The forest we have always wanted to find is something like this, I am sure it must be two different forests, and that the real Narnia I have not yet found. when it gets colder we will go to another expedition again :D

5 comentarios:

  1. :0 it's interesting to know that, i hope that someday you find Narnia :)

  2. Do you like the movies of Narnia? And would you live in a forest like Narnia?

  3. Wow the pictures are very beatiful, but is sad to thiking that this trees gona be cutten for firewood.


  4. maybe it's the same forest and in the photos they appear in different seasons

  5. It looks sooo pretty, it is very far from where you live?
