viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020

My favorite movie?

Hi all, in this new post I will write about cinema, specially my favorite movie. I have been thinking for a long time about this, because I never choose in the movies that I like, but then I came to the conclusion that Life of Pi is my favorite movie. I very like this film because I think that its very complete, funny and enveloping. The theme of the movie is very interesting and the most important point of the movie, is that makes Pi's story seem real, and this make the movie more enveloping.

In general I like all kinds of movies, but I preefer to see movies like a "The revenant", "Django unchained", "The hateful eight", etc. also I like animated movies, the one I have seen the most is "Coraline" xd, it's also very good. The last movie that I saw was "Detective Pikachu" jaja (I don'g go to the cinema for a long time xd) I saw this film a few weeks ago by HBO, and I recomend to see it, because its very funny and Pikachu it's cute xd.

Also I can say that I don't see many movies, so surely I have missed the best movies of recent times, don't judge me :c

5 comentarios:

  1. Hello, I would see detective pikachu just because pikachu is very cute jaja, and Coraline still scares me every time I see the movie

  2. coraline is a very good movie, I read the book and spoiler is much more terrifying D:

  3. Hi, I could never watch complete the life of pi (I think that the beginning of the movie is boring D:) but many people have told me that it is really good.

  4. Life of pi.. I have not watch complete that movie, the beggining is so slow, but if you say it is so good i will give it another try

  5. When I saw this movie I cry whit the "real history" behind of the animals.
