viernes, 26 de junio de 2020

my favorite subject in this semester

Hello everyone, now is turn to write about the subject that I most like in this special semester and this subject is "stadistics and data analysis", in this course, the contents that I must learn  are mainly, frequency tables, graphical interpretation, combinatorics, probabilities, types of variables and control of statistical applications such as Excel and Infostat. And all these contents are necessary to be able to order, understand and analyze situations represented in a group of numbers. It can be associated with my future work field, by making counts of medications sold per month, variations in the medication of a pill, etc.
The classes are divided into 2 main sections, the first is associated with the learning content, wich are videos made by the teacher that each student must watch to capture the content. The second section is the zoom meetings in which the teacher, the assistans and the students participate to carry out an exercise guide on the contents of the past week. In general, the guides have between 10 and 20 little exercises divided into 2 or 3 items, and each student must upload this guide done in the homework section, to it evaluated later.
I like this course not only for the contents that are very interesting, but it has been very nice to take this subject this semester thanks to the good disposition of the teacher and the assistants. They have adapted this course to current conditions so that we can do it easily, always thinking about our mental health. I think this is the course that has been most concerned about the students I am currently taking.
Thanks teacher Mariana! c:

6 comentarios:

  1. Is true, the teacher is the best teacher, She have all disposition with us. She is a love of person.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I had like to take that subject, it is very interesting but i don't really know anything about it :(

  4. When I did this subject, in person class, I just play club penguin all the class on the university's computers XD. Was cool times.

  5. Oooh that teacher is so nice, I like that subject only for her.

  6. Is good to know that the teacher of the subject worries about the mental health of her students
