viernes, 19 de junio de 2020

The website that I enjoy visiting xd

Hello everyone, today I will write about a website I visite frecuently now when I am studying, and now even more with the online semester, when the classes are not specially good xd, and I need to learn any specific content. when book or guides can not solve my questions, I visite the youtube channel, "Breaking Vlad". This is a little channel about chemistry of 130000 suscriptors , which has many videos of each subject related to this science.
This channel has sections called playlists, which cover chemistry topics, such as basic chemistry, nomenclature, organic chemistry, etc. and some chemical experiments. 
I currently visit this website frequently, because it is good to complement seen in online classes, and I like this channel because the videos are very explanatory and shorts, and you do not lose time looking at innecessary things. 
I think I have seen more than half of all the videos on this channel because I think it is very good for someone studying a career related to chemistry. If you complicate with a topic you can search breaking vlad on youtube and watch it. I hope it is useful for you :)

10 comentarios:

  1. Hi, i saw that videos too, I learned too much about organic chemistry

  2. hello, I saw breaking vlad and it has saved me controls several times since first year, it is a highly recommended page

  3. Hi, what other youTube channel do you visit to study chemistry?

  4. I agree with you, the videos on that YouTube channel are very explanatory

  5. that youtube channel it's so good teaching organic chemistry, i think some teachers should learn about Breaking Vlad (cof cof horacio)

  6. Hi, i saw all his videos probably, all i know about organic chemistry is for Breaking Vlad

  7. Breaking vladd has been one of the things that has helped me survive in the univesity, is very good and recommended
